Monday - Friday 8:30am and 10:00am Classes and Tuesday 11:30am Choose Again Circle are in Person at Lifestar:
Address: 2301 W State Road 89A, Suite 8, Sedona, AZ 86336

Or can be Attended on Zoom:
Zoom Meeting ID: 870 1011 6372 (not required if you use the link below)
Passcode: iamlight

All meetings are in Sedona, Arizona Time. (you can join even if you are running late)

“Joy flows gently from the heart of one who has awakened”

~The Way of the Servant, Jeshua as given through Jayem ~

A Course In Miracles

MONDAY - SATURDAY: 8:30 - 9:30am

A Course in Miracles is a unique spiritual self-study program designed to undo the illusion that you are separate in any way from God or your fellow humans. When we learn to live this truth consistently, fear, anger and guilt give way to a profound sense of inner peace. Happiness, peace, joy, and love are the natural outcomes of the Course’s teaching.

David Hawkins: Power vs. Force

MONDAY: 10:00 - 11:00am

All human endeavors have the common goal of understanding or influencing human experience. To this end, man has developed numerous descriptive and analytical disciplines: morality, philosophy, psychology, and so on. Regardless of what branch of inquiry one starts from (philosophy, political theory, theology) all avenues of investigation eventually converge at a common meeting point: the quest for an organized understanding of the nature of pure consciousness.

To explain that which is simple can be difficult indeed. Much of this book is devoted to the process of making the simple obvious. If we can understand even one simple thing in depth, we will have greatly expanded our capacity for comprehending the nature of the universe and life itself.

The Seven Steps to Awakening

MONDAY: 5:00 - 6:00pm ~ On Pause Until May 20

Nisargadatta Maharaj and Ramana Maharshri are two fully awakened saints who lived during our lifetime in India. They held Satsangs regularly as many people wanted to learn from their experience. They were pointing out that the false self, or person, is the problem all humans have and offering their experience of how life actually is when one is totally free of that false self. Neither one of them sought out followers and both had thousands. We have the good fortune of being able to refer to transcripts from their Satsangs which are currently in print.

We will be taking one or two simple ideas/class and flushing out our response to those ideas and sharing our daily practice of them from the previous week. Initially we will reference the book: The Seven Steps to Awakening which one can purchase from Amazon. Not everyone alive these days wants what we have.  These ideas will challenge all of our conditioning and transform our experience of life forever.

Mirari: The Way of the Marys

TUESDAY: 10:00 - 11:00am

In Mirari, Mari Perron, who received A Course of Love twenty years ago, enters an intimate exchange with Mary of Nazareth. This dialogue gives life to "The Way of Mary" In this radical new feminine way, we welcome receptive revelation that does not take us away from life or the personal milieu in which it occurs. Instead, it joins them fully.

Choose Again Circle

TUESDAY: 11:30am - 1:30pm

The purpose of a Choose Again Circle is healing, remembering the truth and a forgiveness practice.  We use a process called the “6 Steps to Freedom” based on attitudinal healing. The process is based on A Course in Miracles (ACIM.) Participants will experience a Remembering of their True Nature and even if only one person is processing everyone benefits from the process.

Our intention is to teach what we are learning and to create a space where ANY upset can be processed. We look at triggers and provide a loving and structured method for healing them.

Anna, Grandmother of Jesus: A Message of Wisdom and Love

TUESDAY: 5:00 - 6:00pm

Our vision is to bring forth a balanced way of working together of the masculine and feminine that is seeded throughout the books. In facilitating this group the representative of the Feminine (Catherine Ann Clemett initially) would open each meeting with a frequency-raising attunement and then the Masculine (initially Thomas Garrett) will run the meeting through the practical and mechanical ways that are needed. Catherine Ann will be able to shed light on the books in an expanded way from not only an author's perspective, but her experience and insights gained from her immersion in the multi-dimensional quantum field with the Councils of Light, Anna, and the Holy Family. This immersion brought forth not only the information from those characters and those times 2000 years ago, but energy codes and activations as well. We look forward to traveling with Anna, Yeshua, the Holy Family and extended family, and all the insights that come from communing in this way.

Choose Only Love: The Way of Being

WEDNESDAY: 10:00 - 11:00am

The way of being is the end of the spiritual search and the beginning of the active expression of our divine identity. Love is what we are and the source of fullness. Love cannot be taught, only recognized. The happy recognition of being love, and living from it, is the final goal of Choose Only Love and of every true spiritual path. God is love. We are love. Being love in expression is the truth that sets us free.

Choose Only Love: The Divine Relationship

WEDNESDAY: 5:00 - 6:00pm

A divine relationship is the embrace of humanity and divinity, a joining of the Supreme Source with your human nature. It is a giant step, a boldly daring relationship which stretches the mind beyond what can be seen, said, or heard, but which the heart knows. It is a union above all unions, yet it includes all unions. In a divine relationship the truth of your being becomes known as God created you.

A Course of Love

THURSDAY: 10:00 - 11:00am

A Course of Love is a living course that leads to the recognition, through experience, of the truth of who we really are as human and divine beings a truth much more magnificent than we previously could imagine. In the absence of knowing who we truly are, humans are doomed to continually re-create a world of suffering.

The Holy Spirit’s Interpretation of the New Tesament

THURSDAY: 5:00 - 6:00pm

A metaphysical interpretation of the New Testament, which teaches oneness as the only truth, and surrender (or letting go) as the practice that leads to spiritual enlightenment. NTI stresses the importance of willingness, acceptance, gratitude, mind-watching and trust on the path of enlightenment while teaching the reader to let go of unworthiness, fear, guilt and false (or separation-based) thinking. NTI has been described as a love letter and as a loving approach to letting go of the ego.

Choose Only Love: The Holy Dwelling

FRIDAY: 10:00 - 11:00am

You are not what the world says you are. You are personified holiness. You are love incarnate. You are Christ. You are holy because God is holy and you are God’s beloved creation. The truth is that simple. When you choose only love, you are choosing to live the truth—accepting that divine love is your being, your true dwelling. Expressing this truth in your life allows you to live fully, joyfully. “The Holy Dwelling” takes the reader toward acceptance of this truth.

Sunday Gathering

SUNDAY: 10:30 - 11:30am

Attend on Zoom:
Zoom Meeting ID: 870 1011 6372 (not required if you use the link below)
Passcode: iamlight

All meetings are in Sedona, Arizona Time. (you can join even if you are running late)


Monday - Friday 8:30am and 10:00am Classes and Tuesday 11:30am Choose Again Circle are in Person at Lifestar:
Address: 2301 W State Road 89A, Suite 8, Sedona, AZ 86336

Or can be Attended on Zoom:
Zoom Meeting ID: 870 1011 6372 (not required if you use the link below)
Passcode: iamlight

All meetings are in Sedona, Arizona Time. (you can join even if you are running late)